Kartu kredit terbaik jika skor kredit Anda di atas 750 (kredit sangat baik)
Ketika Anda memiliki kredit yang sangat baik, penerbit kartu kredit menginginkan bisnis Anda dan akan menawarkan kombinasi hadiah dan biaya terbaik. Tugas Anda hanyalah memilih kartu dengan keseluruhan campuran produk terbaik untuk Anda.
⁺Persyaratan Skor Kredit didasarkan pada penelitian tingkat persetujuan Money Under 30 sendiri; memenuhi skor minimum akan memberi Anda kesempatan terbaik untuk disetujui untuk kartu kredit pilihan Anda. Jika Anda tidak mengetahui skor kredit Anda, gunakan alat penaksir skor kredit gratis kami untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih baik tentang kartu mana yang memenuhi syarat untuk Anda.Kartu kredit terbaik jika skor FICO Anda 750 ke atas ikhtisar
Kartu Kredit | Terbaik Untuk |
Mengejar Kartu Sapphire Preferred® | Hadiah perjalanan |
Kartu Citi Premier® | |
Citi® Double Cash Card–penawaran BT 18 bulan | Hadiah tunai |
Kartu Kredit Tinta Bisnis Cash® | Uang kembali bisnis |
Kartu Citi® Diamond Preferred® | Transfer saldo |
Chase Freedom Unlimited® | Di sekitar |
Kartu Kredit Ink Business Preferred® | Hadiah perjalanan bisnis |
Kartu Chase Sapphire Preferred®

Kartu Chase Sapphire Preferred® menetapkan standar untuk hadiah perjalanan dengan menawarkan 5x poin yang sangat baik untuk pembelian perjalanan melalui Chase Ultimate Rewards®, 3x poin untuk makan dan 2x poin untuk semua pembelian perjalanan lainnya. Dan poin bernilai 25% lebih banyak saat Anda menukarkan perjalanan melalui Chase Ultimate Rewards® – Itu berarti bonus pendaftaran 60.000 poin bernilai $750 untuk perjalanan.
Baca ulasan Persyaratan Skor Kredit:Persyaratan Skor Kredit didasarkan pada penelitian tingkat persetujuan Money Under 30 sendiri; memenuhi skor minimum akan memberi Anda kesempatan terbaik untuk disetujui untuk kartu kredit pilihan Anda. Jika Anda tidak mengetahui skor kredit Anda, gunakan alat penaksir skor kredit gratis kami untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih baik tentang kartu mana yang memenuhi syarat untuk Anda. *Uang Di Bawah 30 menggunakan skor FICO 8, yang merupakan salah satu dari banyak jenis skor kredit. * Seorang kreditur dapat menggunakan skor yang berbeda saat memutuskan apakah Anda akan menyetujui kredit. Buruk 500-599 Cukup 600-699 Baik 700-749 Sangat Baik 750-850Yang Kami Suka:
Monster dengan bonus di muka; 60.000 poin bonus setelah menghabiskan $4.000 dalam tiga bulan pertama.
5X poin untuk perjalanan yang dibeli melalui Chase Ultimate Rewards®, 3X poin untuk makan, 2X poin untuk semua pembelian perjalanan lainnya, plus lebih banyak lagi.
Poin bernilai 25% lebih banyak saat Anda menukarkan perjalanan melalui Chase Ultimate Rewards®
- Dapatkan 60.000 poin bonus setelah Anda membelanjakan $4.000 untuk pembelian dalam 3 bulan pertama sejak pembukaan akun. Itu $750 jika Anda menukarkan melalui Chase Ultimate Rewards®.
- Nikmati manfaat seperti Kredit Hotel Ultimate Rewards tahunan $50, 5x untuk perjalanan yang dibeli melalui Chase Ultimate Rewards®, 3x untuk bersantap, dan 2x untuk semua pembelian perjalanan lainnya, plus lebih banyak lagi.
- Dapatkan nilai 25% lebih banyak saat Anda menukarkan tiket pesawat, hotel, persewaan mobil, dan kapal pesiar melalui Chase Ultimate Rewards®. Misalnya, 60.000 poin bernilai $750 untuk perjalanan.
- Dengan Pay Yourself Back℠, poin Anda bernilai 25% lebih banyak selama penawaran saat ini saat Anda menukarkannya dengan kredit pernyataan dengan pembelian yang ada dalam kategori tertentu dan bergilir
- Asuransi Pembatalan/Gangguan Perjalanan, Pengabaian Kerusakan Tabrakan Sewa Mobil, Asuransi Kehilangan Bagasi, dan lainnya.
- Dapatkan akses gratis ke DashPass yang membuka biaya pengiriman $0 dan biaya layanan yang lebih rendah selama minimal satu tahun saat Anda mengaktifkannya sebelum 31 Desember 2024.
Daftar Sekarang>>
Kartu Citi Premier®

Kartu Citi Premier® dimulai dengan penawaran intro bonus 80.000 waktu terbatas ThankYou® Point setelah menghabiskan $4.000 dalam tiga bulan pertama pembukaan akun. Program hadiah harian menawarkan 3 poin per dolar yang dihabiskan dalam berbagai kategori dan tidak memiliki biaya transaksi luar negeri.
Baca ulasan Persyaratan Skor Kredit:Persyaratan Skor Kredit didasarkan pada penelitian tingkat persetujuan Money Under 30 sendiri; memenuhi skor minimum akan memberi Anda kesempatan terbaik untuk disetujui untuk kartu kredit pilihan Anda. Jika Anda tidak mengetahui skor kredit Anda, gunakan alat penaksir skor kredit gratis kami untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih baik tentang kartu mana yang memenuhi syarat untuk Anda. *Uang Di Bawah 30 menggunakan skor FICO 8, yang merupakan salah satu dari banyak jenis skor kredit. * Seorang kreditur dapat menggunakan skor yang berbeda saat memutuskan apakah Anda akan menyetujui kredit. Buruk 500-599 Cukup 600-699 Baik 700-749 Sangat Baik 750-850Yang Kami Suka:
Penawaran Waktu Terbatas:Dapatkan 80.000 bonus ThankYou® Points setelah Anda membelanjakan $4.000 untuk pembelian dalam 3 bulan pertama pembukaan akun. Poin ini dapat ditukarkan dengan $800 dalam bentuk kartu hadiah di thankyou.com
Tiga poin per dolar yang dihabiskan di SPBU, Supermarket, Restoran, Hotel, dan Perjalanan Udara
Tidak ada biaya transaksi luar negeri
- Untuk waktu terbatas, dapatkan 80.000 bonus ThankYou® Points setelah Anda membelanjakan $4,000 untuk pembelian dalam 3 bulan pertama pembukaan akun
- Dapatkan 3 Poin untuk setiap $1 yang dihabiskan di Restoran dan Supermarket
- Dapatkan 3 Poin untuk setiap $1 yang dihabiskan di SPBU, Perjalanan Udara, dan Hotel
- Dapatkan 1 Poin untuk setiap $1 yang dibelanjakan untuk semua pembelian lainnya
- Manfaat Tabungan Hotel Tahunan
- 80.000 Poin dapat ditukarkan dengan $800 dalam bentuk kartu hadiah saat ditukarkan di thankyou.com
- Tidak ada kedaluwarsa dan tidak ada batasan jumlah poin yang bisa Anda peroleh dengan kartu ini
- Tidak ada Biaya Transaksi Luar Negeri untuk pembelian
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Citi® Double Cash Card – penawaran BT 18 bulan

Kartu Uang Tunai Ganda Citi® – Penawaran BT 18 bulan mencakup salah satu tarif hadiah uang kembali harian terbaik yang tersedia untuk pemegang kartu. Untuk waktu terbatas, dapatkan uang kembali $200 setelah membelanjakan $1.500 untuk pembelian dalam 6 bulan pertama pembukaan akun.
Baca ulasan Persyaratan Skor Kredit:Persyaratan Skor Kredit didasarkan pada penelitian tingkat persetujuan Money Under 30 sendiri; memenuhi skor minimum akan memberi Anda kesempatan terbaik untuk disetujui untuk kartu kredit pilihan Anda. Jika Anda tidak mengetahui skor kredit Anda, gunakan alat penaksir skor kredit gratis kami untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih baik tentang kartu mana yang memenuhi syarat untuk Anda. *Uang Di Bawah 30 menggunakan skor FICO 8, yang merupakan salah satu dari banyak jenis skor kredit. * Seorang kreditur dapat menggunakan skor yang berbeda saat memutuskan apakah Anda akan menyetujui kredit. Buruk 500-599 Cukup 600-699 Baik 700-749 Sangat Baik 750-850Yang Kami Suka:
0% intro APR untuk transfer saldo selama 18 bulan (APR reguler 16,24% – 26,24% Variabel)
Dapatkan uang kembali 2% untuk pembelian baru; uang kembali 1% tanpa batas saat Anda membeli, ditambah 1% tambahan saat Anda membayar pembelian tersebut.
Tidak ada biaya tahunan
- Dapatkan 2% untuk setiap pembelian dengan uang kembali 1% tanpa batas saat Anda membeli, ditambah 1% tambahan saat Anda membayar pembelian tersebut.
- Untuk waktu terbatas, dapatkan uang kembali $200 setelah membelanjakan $1.500 untuk pembelian dalam 6 bulan pertama pembukaan akun.
- Penawaran Khusus Transfer Saldo:0% intro APR untuk Transfer Saldo selama 18 bulan. Setelah itu, variabel APR akan menjadi 16,24% - 26,24%, berdasarkan kelayakan kredit Anda.
- Transfer Saldo tidak mendapatkan cash back. Intro APR tidak berlaku untuk pembelian.
- Jika Anda mentransfer saldo, bunga akan dikenakan atas pembelian Anda kecuali Anda membayar seluruh saldo (termasuk transfer saldo) sebelum tanggal jatuh tempo setiap bulan.
- Ada biaya transfer saldo pengantar sebesar 3% dari setiap transfer (minimal $5) yang diselesaikan dalam 4 bulan pertama pembukaan rekening. Setelah itu, biaya Anda akan menjadi 5% dari setiap transfer (minimal $5).
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Kartu Kredit Ink Business Cash®

Kartu Kredit Ink Business Cash® adalah kartu yang sangat baik untuk bisnis kecil apa pun. Dari bonus awal yang besar hingga program hadiah luar biasa yang menyeluruh, pemegang kartu dapat menguangkan hadiah tanpa khawatir dengan biaya tahunan.
Baca ulasan Persyaratan Skor Kredit:Persyaratan Skor Kredit didasarkan pada penelitian tingkat persetujuan Money Under 30 sendiri; memenuhi skor minimum akan memberi Anda kesempatan terbaik untuk disetujui untuk kartu kredit pilihan Anda. Jika Anda tidak mengetahui skor kredit Anda, gunakan alat penaksir skor kredit gratis kami untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih baik tentang kartu mana yang memenuhi syarat untuk Anda. *Uang Di Bawah 30 menggunakan skor FICO 8, yang merupakan salah satu dari banyak jenis skor kredit. * Seorang kreditur dapat menggunakan skor yang berbeda saat memutuskan apakah Anda akan menyetujui kredit. Buruk 500-599 Cukup 600-699 Baik 700-749 Sangat Baik 750-850Yang Kami Suka:
$750 cash back bonus after spending $7,500 in the first three months of card ownership
5% cash back on the first $25,000 spent on office supplies, internet, cable and phone service purchases each account anniversary year
0% intro APR for 12 months from account opening on purchases, then a variable APR of 15.49% – 21.49%.
- Earn $750 bonus cash back after you spend $7,500 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening
- Earn 5% cash back on the first $25,000 spent in combined purchases at office supply stores and on internet, cable and phone services each account anniversary year
- Earn 2% cash back on the first $25,000 spent in combined purchases at gas stations and restaurants each account anniversary year. Earn 1% cash back on all other purchases
- With Fraud Protection your card transactions will be monitored for possible signs of fraudulent activity using real-time fraud monitoring
- With Zero Liability you won't be held responsible for unauthorized charges made with your card or account information
- No Annual Fee
- Redeem rewards for cash back, gift cards, travel and more through Chase Ultimate Rewards®
- 0% introductory APR for 12 months on purchases
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Chase Freedom Unlimited®

In A Nutshell
The Chase Freedom Unlimited® opens up with a terrific intro offer; earn an additional 1.5% cash back on everything you buy (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year) – worth up to $300 cash back! Tack on a 0% intro APR for 15 months on purchases and balance transfers (standard 17.24% – 25.99% Variable APR) add to that a strong everyday rewards program and it’s a terrific option for anyone looking to save a ton of money on everyday purchases.
Read review Credit Score Requirements:Credit Score requirements are based on Money Under 30’s own research of approval rates; meeting the minimum score will give you the best chance to be approved for the credit card of your choice. If you don’t know your credit score, use our free credit score estimator tool to get a better idea of which cards you’ll qualify for. *Money Under 30 uses a FICO 8 score, which is one of many different types of credit scores. *A creditor may use a different score when deciding whether to approve you for credit. Poor 500-599 Fair 600-699 Good 700-749 Excellent 750-850What We Like:
Intro Offer:Earn an additional 1.5% cash back on everything you buy (on up to $20,000 in the first year) – worth up to $300 cash back!
Unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases.
0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for 15 months; then a variable APR of 17.24% – 25.99%.
- Intro Offer:Earn an additional 1.5% cash back on everything you buy (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year) - worth up to $300 cash back!
- Enjoy 6.5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Ultimate Rewards®, our premier rewards program that lets you redeem rewards for cash back, travel, gift cards and more; 4.5% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service, and 3% on all other purchases (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year).
- After your first year or $20,000 spent, enjoy 5% cash back on Chase travel purchased through Ultimate Rewards®, 3% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service, and unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases.
- No minimum to redeem for cash back. You can choose to receive a statement credit or direct deposit into most U.S. checking and savings accounts. Cash Back rewards do not expire as long as your account is open!
- Enjoy 0% Intro APR for 15 months from account opening on purchases and balance transfers, then a variable APR of 17.24% - 25.99%.
- No annual fee – You won’t have to pay an annual fee for all the great features that come with your Freedom Unlimited® card
- Keep tabs on your credit health, Chase Credit Journey helps you monitor your credit with free access to your latest score, real-time alerts, and more.
Apply Now>>
Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

In A Nutshell
The Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card blows you away with a 100,000 point bonus after you spend $15,000 in the first three months and keeps you coming back with 3 points per dollar spent on travel and select business categories for the first $150,000 spent each account anniversary year.
Read review Credit Score Requirements:Credit Score requirements are based on Money Under 30’s own research of approval rates; meeting the minimum score will give you the best chance to be approved for the credit card of your choice. If you don’t know your credit score, use our free credit score estimator tool to get a better idea of which cards you’ll qualify for. *Money Under 30 uses a FICO 8 score, which is one of many different types of credit scores. *A creditor may use a different score when deciding whether to approve you for credit. Poor 500-599 Fair 600-699 Good 700-749 Excellent 750-850What We Like:
100,000 bonus points after spending $15,000 in the first three months (Worth $1,250 in travel when redeemed through Chase Ultimate Rewards®)
3 points earned per $1 spent on travel and select business categories each account anniversary year
No foreign transaction fees
- Earn 100k bonus points after you spend $15,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $1,000 cash back or $1,250 toward travel when redeemed through Chase Ultimate Rewards®
- Earn 3 points per $1 on the first $150,000 spent on travel and select business categories each account anniversary year. Earn 1 point per $1 on all other purchases
- With Fraud Protection your card transactions will be monitored for possible signs of fraudulent activity using real-time fraud monitoring
- With Zero Liability you won't be held responsible for unauthorized charges made with your card or account information
- Redeem points for cash back, gift cards, travel and more - your points don't expire as long as your account is open
- Points are worth 25% more when you redeem for travel through Chase Ultimate Rewards®
- Purchase Protection covers your new purchases for 120 days against damage or theft up to $10,000 per claim and $50,000 per account.
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Best travel credit cards for people with excellent credit:
Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

Card features:
- Biaya tahunan :$95.
- APR range :18.24% - 25.24% Variable.
- Sign-up bonus :60,000 bonus points when you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first three months (worth $600 cash, or $750 in travel when you redeem through Chase Ultimate Rewards ® ).
- Rewards :5X points on any travel purchase through Chase Ultimate Rewards®, 3X points on dining, 2X points on all other travel purchases, plus 1X point per dollar spent on all other purchases. .
- Other features :$0 foreign transaction fees, transfer points to participating frequent travel programs on a one-for-one basis, trip cancellation insurance.
Why the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card is a good option for those with excellent credit
The Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card is a card well-suited for frequent travelers.
How to use the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card
If you pay your balance every month, you’ll never pay any interest expense. Then the rewards you’ll earn will be pure profit. You even get a break on the annual fee in the first year.
Why you might not want to consider the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card
Once again, if you’re not a frequent traveler, this card won’t be the best choice for you.
See card details/apply or read our Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card review
Citi Premier® Card

Card features:
- Annual fee: $95.
- APR range: 18.24% - 26.24% (Variable).
- Sign-up bonus: 80,000 ThankYou® Points when you spend $4,000 within your first three months (worth $800 in gift cards when redeemed at thankyou.com).
- Rewards: Unlimited 3 ThankYou points per dollar spent on restaurants, supermarkets, gas, air travel, and hotels, and unlimited 1 ThankYou point per dollar spent on everything else.
- Other features: $0 foreign transaction fees, Annual Hotel Savings Benefit, transfer ThankYou® Points to participating airline loyalty programs.
Why the Citi Premier® Card is a good option for those with excellent credit
The Citi Premier® Card is the rare travel rewards card that offers generous points on travel-related expenses like restaurants, air travel, and hotels, but also essentials like gas station and supermarket purchases.
How to use the Citi Premier® Card
A key detail to keep in mind with the Citi Premier® Card is that its “ThankYou® Points” are worth at least a penny each in gift cards or travel redemption, but only half a penny each in cash back. So it’s important to distinguish this card as an excellent travel rewards card but only a so-so cash back kartu.
Why you might not want to consider the Citi Premier® Card
Because ThankYou® Points are only worth a half-penny each in cash back (versus a full penny with most competitors), the Citi Premier® Card is not ideal if you’re trying to maximize your cash back and not simply redeem your points for additional travel or Amazon cards.
See card details/apply or read our full Citi Premier® Card review
Best credit card for cash rewards:
Citi® Double Cash Card–18 month BT offer

Card features:
- Annual fee: $0.
- Regular APR range: 16.24% - 26.24% (Variable).
- 0% introductory APR: On balance transfers only, but for a generous 18 months. Regular APR applies to new purchases.
- Balance transfer fee: An intro balance transfer fee of 3% applies per transfer (minimum $5) when completed within the first 4 months of account opening. After that, the fee will be 5% per transfer (minimum $5).
- Sign-on bonus offer: For a limited time, earn $200 cash back after spending $1,500 on purchases in the first 6 months of account opening.
- Rewards: 2% on all payments (1% at time of purchase and 1% when you pay off your card balance).
- Other features: Citi Entertainment®, Citi® Identity Theft Solutions, The Lost Wallet® Service.
Why the Citi® Double Cash Card–18 month BT offer is a good option for those with excellent credit
If you have excellent credit, you probably want to keep it that way by paying off your old credit card debt ASAP! Thankfully, the Citi® Double Cash Card–18 month BT offer is ideal for that, allowing you to transfer a balance and offering you 18 months of 0% APR to pay it off.
But this card shines with its unique rewards structure. You’ll earn 2% on all of your purchases. You’ll get 1% cash back when you buy, and 1% cash back when you pay off your card.
How to use the Citi® Double Cash Card–18 month BT offer
Once you open a Citi® Double Cash Card–18 month BT offer, be sure to transfer your old credit card balance ASAP. Reason being, although Citi® technically gives you four months, you’ll want to move it over quickly so you can stop paying interest to your old credit card company.
Why you might not want to consider the Citi® Double Cash Card–18 month BT offer
The Citi® Double Cash Card–18 month BT offer is designed to help you pay off old credit card debt while accumulating a decent amount of rewards points on new purchases. If you don’t have old credit card debt and you’re just looking for a solid rewards card, you might consider a competitor with more generous rewards (i.e. 5x rotating categories).
See card details/apply or read our full Citi® Double Cash Card–18 month BT offer review
Best credit card business
Ink Business Cash® Credit Card

Card features:
- Biaya tahunan :$0.
- APR range :15.49% - 21.49% Variable.
- 0% introductory APR :0% Intro APR on Purchases for 12 months.
- Sign-up bonus :$750 bonus cash back after you spend $7,500 on purchases in the first three months.
- Rewards :5% cash back on office supplies and telecom services on the first $25,000 spent in combined purchases, 2% cash back on gas and restaurants on the first $25,000 spent in combined purchases, and unlimited 1% cash back on everything else.
- Other features :Employee cards at no additional cost, zero liability protection.
Why the Ink Business Cash® Credit Card is a good option for those with excellent credit
If you’re a business owner with significant expenses when it comes to office supplies, internet, cable, and phone, then the Ink Business Cash® Credit Card will help you to maximize your earnings. You can earn an impressive 5% cash back on expenses in these categories on the first $25,000 spent in combined purchases. You’ll also earn 2% back on spending at gas stations and restaurants on the first $25,000 spent in combined purchases, and an unlimited 1% cash back on all other purchases.
How to use the Ink Business Cash® Credit Card
In order to take full advantage of this business card, you should be sure to meet the requirements for the bonus offer. If you spend $7,500 on purchases in the first three months, you’re eligible for $750 in bonus cash back. Spending in high-earning categories like office supplies and internet will earn you even more cash back.
Why you might not want to consider the Ink Business Cash® Credit Card
If you don’t have a lot of expenses in the 5% or 2% cash back categories, this might not be the best card for you. You might want to consider a cash back credit card with a flat rate, or you might want to look for a card that rewards spending in a category you do use, like travel or advertising. This also isn’t a good fit if you’re looking for a personal credit card, since this card is only available for businesses.
See card details/apply or read our full Ink Business Cash® Credit Card review
Best balance transfer credit card:
Citi® Diamond Preferred® Card
Card features:
- Annual fee: $0
- Intro balance transfer APR: 0%
- Intro balance transfer term: 21 months
- Balance transfer fee: the greater of $5 or 5% of the transfer amount
- Regular APR: 15.99% - 25.99% (Variable)
- Other features: Citi Entertainment®, Citi® Identity Theft Solutions, Choose your Payment Due Date, Contactless Pay
Why the Citi® Diamond Preferred® Card is a good option for those with excellent credit
If you have excellent credit and you’re trying to keep it that way by paying off credit card debt, the Citi® Diamond Preferred® Card might be your single best option. It offers 0% intro APR for 21 months on balance transfers (from date of first transfer) and 0% intro APR for 12 months on new purchases, so you’ll have plenty of time to pay off old and new debt.
How to use the Citi® Diamond Preferred® Card
Once you’re approved for the Citi® Diamond Preferred® Card, transfer your old balance immediately. You technically have four months to do so, but why wait?
The balance transfer will cost the greater of $5 or 5% of the transfer, but it’ll be worth it in the gobs of interest you’ll end up saving.
Why you might not want to consider the Citi® Diamond Preferred® Card
The Citi® Diamond Preferred® Card is not a rewards card. Quite literally, it offers zero ongoing rewards, aside from the usual Citi® card benefits such as Contactless Pay. It’s purpose-built to help cardholders pay off old credit card debt, and while it crushes that goal, it doesn’t offer much to someone with little- to no debt.
So unless you’re trying to pay off your old card, you’ll be happier with a traditional rewards card over the Citi® Diamond Preferred® Card.
See card details/apply or read our Citi® Diamond Preferred® Card review
Best all-around credit card:
Chase Freedom Unlimited®

Card features:
- Biaya tahunan :$0.
- APR range :17.24% - 25.99% Variable.
- 0% introductory APR :15 months on purchases and balance transfers
- Intro Offer: Earn an additional 1.5% cash back on purchases (up to $20,000 in the first year) – worth up to $300 cash back!
- Rewards :5% back on travel purchased through Chase Ultimate Rewards®; 3% back on dining and drugstores; and an unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases.
- Other features :Cash rewards don’t expire and you can redeem them at any time.
Why the Chase Freedom Unlimited® is a good option for those with excellent credit
If you don’t want an annual fee, want great rewards, and a decent 0% intro, the Chase Freedom Unlimited® is perfect.
It’s meant for cardholders that are looking for a great card all-around.
How to use Chase Freedom Unlimited®
If you need to put a purchase on your card, the 15 month of interest free payments could help you pay it off in full quickly. Plus, you can use your card for ALL purchases and earn cash back.
Why you might not want to consider the Chase Freedom Unlimited®
There aren’t many negative things to say about this card. With 3%-5% in special categories and 1.5% unlimited cash back on all other purchases, the cash back earning is fairly straightforward. Add on the $300 bonus cash back you can earn in the first year, and it’s an awesome all around card.
Best card for business travel rewards:
Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

Card features:
- Biaya tahunan :$95.
- APR range :18.24% - 23.24% Variable.
- 0% introductory APR :N/A.
- Sign-on bonus offer :100,000 bonus points after you spend $15,000 on purchases in the first three months.
- Rewards :3x points on travel, shipping, telecom, and advertising on the first $150,000 spent in combined purchases, 1x points on everything else.
- Other features :Flexible redemption options, employee cards at no extra cost.
Why the Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card is a good option for those with excellent credit
The Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card is a great choice for business owners with significant expenses when it comes to any of the 3x point categories for this card. This includes travel, shipping purchases, internet, cable, phone, and online advertising on the first $150,000 spent in combined purchases. There’s also an impressive 100,000 bonus point welcome offer after spending $15,000 on purchases in the first three months to entice new cardholders.
How to use the Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card
This card is great for business owners looking to maximize their earnings when it comes to particular expense categories like travel or advertising. Cardholders earn points with every purchase, which they can then redeem for travel expenses, cash back, gift cards, experiences, and more.
Why you might not want to consider the Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card
If you don’t own a small business, you won’t be eligible for the Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card. In addition, if you don’t have any significant business expenses when it comes to any of the spending categories in the 3x point tier, you may be better served by an all-purpose cash back card. However, if you’re dedicated to maximizing rewards and spend a lot in those specific categories, this card can be an extremely lucrative option.
See card details/apply or read our full Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card review
Summary of the best credit cards if your FICO score is 750 and above overview
Credit Card | Rewards | Annual fee | APR |
Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card | 5X points on travel purchased through Chase Ultimate Rewards®, 3X points on dining, 2X points on all other travel purchases, plus 1x point per dollar spent on all other purchases | $95 | 18.24% - 25.24% Variable |
Citi Premier® Card | Unlimited 3 ThankYou points per dollar spent on restaurants, supermarkets, gas, air travel, and hotels; unlimited 1 ThankYou point per dollar spent on everything else | $95 | 18.24% - 26.24% (Variable) |
Citi® Double Cash Card–18 month BT offer | 2% on all payments (1% at time of purchase and 1% when you pay off your card balance) | $0 | 16.24% - 26.24% (Variable) |
Ink Business Cash® Credit Card | 5% cash back on office supplies and telecom services on the first $25,000 spent in combined purchases, 2% cash back on gas and restaurants on the first $25,000 spent in combined purchases, and unlimited 1% cash back on everything else | $0 | 15.49% - 21.49% Variable |
Citi® Diamond Preferred® Card | None | $0 | 15.99% - 25.99% (Variable) |
Chase Freedom Unlimited® | 5% back on travel purchased through Chase Ultimate Rewards®; 3% back on dining and drugstores; and an unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases | $0 | 17.24% - 25.99% Variable |
Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card | 3x points on travel, shipping, telecom, and advertising on the first $150,000 spent in combined purchases, 1x points on everything else | $95 | 18.24% - 23.24% Variable |
How we came up with this list
We used six criteria to come up with our list of the best credit cards if your FICO Score is 750 and above.
- Annual fee
- APR range
- 0% introductory APR
- Sign-up bonus offer
- Rewards
- Other features
The cards we selected offer the best combination of these features, even if each doesn’t offer all six.
What is excellent credit?
According to Experian, a FICO Score of 750 and above falls into both the “very good” and “exceptional” classifications. But don’t worry—if your FICO Score is 750 and above, lenders will generally consider you to have excellent credit.
How to find the best credit cards if your FICO score is 750 and above
If your FICO Score is 750 and above, it’s likely the credit card offers are coming directly to you—unless of course you’ve opted out of receiving them. But coming to a guide like this one is the best way to select the right credit card for you. It’ll provide you the opportunity to see the benefits available from various cards so you can then select the one that will work best for you.
For example, we’ve broken the best credit cards down by specific features, like balance transfers, rewards, and travel rewards. If you’re disciplined with your credit card usage—and you probably are with a credit score that high—the credit card offer you select will enable you to save real money, without costing you anything on a net basis.
What factors affect your credit score?
Your credit score is comprised of five factors:payment history, amounts owed, length of credit history, new credit, and credit mix, as this screenshot from myFico.com shows. If your FICO Score is 750 and above, there’s a good chance your credit report contains no derogatory information. That means you’re perfect when it comes to payment history.
Your credit utilization ratio is also most likely in a very desirable range. That means you have total outstanding credit card balances of 30% or less of your total credit card limits. Even so, you’ll want to keep a close eye on this ratio. As it moves above 30%, it begins to negatively impact your credit score. And if you’re in the excellent credit score range, that can be easier to do than you might think.
Most important features of credit cards for excellent credit
Let’s take a deeper look at the six criteria listed above.
Annual Percentage Rate – APR
APR is typically presented as a range for each credit card. Surprisingly, that range doesn’t vary much between average, good/excellent, and excellent credit. But while you’ll be most likely to pay or near the high end of the APR range in the other two credit score categories, you’ll most likely get at or near the best rate offered with a FICO Score of 750 and above. For example, if the APR range is 14.74% to 24.74%, you should fully expect to get a rate of 14.74%, or only slightly above.
The annual fee
With a FICO score of 750 and above, you’ll have a choice to pay an annual fee or not to. We’ve included cards with annual fees and no fees. If a card with an annual fee has more generous rewards than one without the fee, you might be better off with a card that has the fee.
0% introductory APR
Even among credit cards for excellent credit, this benefit—though common—isn’t automatic. It may be the primary benefit on one card, and a secondary benefit on another.
The typical time frame on a 0% introductory APR is between 12 months and 18 months. One issue to be aware of is when a 0% introductory APR offers apply to purchases. It’s an attempt by the credit card issuer to get you to run up a balance, which is something you should avoid. After all, the 0% offer is temporary, and interest will eventually be applied to the remaining balance.
Sign-up bonus offer
Virtually all credit cards included in this guide offer some type of sign-up bonus. It can be a cash bonus (usually in the form of a credit statement), extra travel rewards, or some type of cash back match.
These are common offers on credit cards for excellent credit, and you should fully expect to get some sort of upfront bonus. Just be careful you don’t get overly concerned with the sign-on bonus and ignore the ongoing rewards program.
Unless you’re taking a card specifically to get the sign-on bonus, you should generally look more closely at the ongoing rewards.
These can take different forms. Some are actual cash rewards that may pay between one and 2% of your purchases. There may also be select categories with more generous cash back.
For example, a card may offer 5% cash back for certain spending categories. Most typically, the higher cash back offer works on a rotating basis, with the category changing each quarter.
Other cards offer either points or miles, usually toward travel. If you’re a frequent traveler, this kind of arrangement may work better for you. But if you’re not, it will be better to go with a cash back card. The rewards can be spent on more flexible categories than just travel.
Additional card benefits
There are certain benefits that are common to nearly all cards. These can include:
- $0 fraud liability for unauthorized charges.
- collision damage waiver on car rentals.
- purchase protection.
- free credit scores.
What to do before applying for a credit card if your FICO score is 750 and above
Check your credit
You should get a copy of your credit report, as well as your credit score, before making an application for any type of loan, including a credit card. The credit score itself may be less important than any potential issues on your credit report.
Credit card issuers, in particular, may be more interested in the specifics of your credit, than your actual credit score. By reviewing a copy of your credit report beforehand, you’ll avoid surprises during your application.
We recommend monitoring your credit on a regular basis. The best way to do this is by using free credit score providers.
Research available cards for your credit score
You may be getting credit card offers all the time, due to your excellent credit. But the only way to know if a credit card is a legitimately good offer is to compare it with other credit cards. You’ve got that taken care of by coming to this guide.
Don’t apply for multiple credit cards
The best reason to avoid this practice is because you don’t need to. If your FICO Score is 750 and above, approval is practically guaranteed.
It’s just a matter of selecting the card that will work best for you. You should also be aware that applying for multiple credit cards won’t necessarily improve your chances of success.
One reason a credit card issuer may reject your application is that too many inquiries on your credit report could be an indication you’re looking to build up your credit availability in a hurry.
They may still approve your application, but it might be with a very low credit limit.
Credit card situations to consider if you have excellent credit
There are a few factors that come into play with the excellent credit range.
Rewards should match your spending
If a credit card offers particularly generous rewards in a specific spending category, make sure that’s a category you generally do spend money in. It will do little good to take a card with 5% cash back rewards that you won’t take advantage of.
Cash back vs. rewards points or miles
Rewards come in three flavors:cash back, points, and miles.
When to use points or miles
Points and miles are typically associated with travel rewards. Once again, if you’re a frequent traveler, this type of rewards package will be attractive. Understand that it’s typical with travel rewards that they’re primarily earned through travel purchases, and redeemed in the same category.
When to use cash back
If you’re not a frequent traveler, cash back rewards are definitely the way to go. You can generally earn them through regular purchase activity, and redeem them for cash, or a statement credit (which can be applied in a number of ways).
Between the two, cashback is the more flexible reward type. If you’re not sure which way to go, this is probably the one you should choose.
Frequent credit card use is required to take full advantage of rewards
If you mainly use a credit card for convenience, you may not be in a position to take full advantage of either a sign-on bonus for ongoing rewards. They work best for people who are regular credit card users.
How to properly use a credit card for excellent credit
If you have excellent credit, there should be two primary goals in using any credit card:
- To maximize rewards and benefits to make sure the card is paying you, rather than the other way around.
- To not do anything that will hurt your credit score.
To make those happen, we recommend these practices when using your credit card:
Pay your balance in full each month
If a card is paying 2% cash back on all purchases, that’s a true benefit. But the benefit will be maximized if you pay off your balance in full each month. That will eliminate interest payments, that can reduce or exceed your card benefits.
Charge no more than you can easily repay when the bill comes in
This can be a real issue with a credit card with very generous rewards. The credit card company is offering those rewards to incentivize your use of the card. If you get carried away, a balance can begin to build. Set a monthly credit card budget—based on a number you are able to comfortably pay off each month. Don’t exceed it, otherwise you risk carrying a balance and incurring interest.
Watch out for high-spend credit cards
Credit card issuers make the most money on people who make frequent use of their cards and carry large balances. They’ll use a combination of high credit limits, generous rewards, and a 0% APR introductory offer. This is an outcome you must resist. If the combination of the above three benefits cause you to run your card balance up to $10,000, and you have an interest rate of 20%, you’ll be paying $2,000 per year in interest, at least once the 0%introductory offer term ends. Self-control is absolutely critical with high spend credit cards.
Don’t get caught in the balance transfer trap
Many cards in this credit score range come with a 0% introductory APR. Those offers are designed to get you to transfer balances from other credit cards. But tread lightly.
There are high fees
Balance transfer offers come with balance transfer fees. They range between 3% to 5% of the amount transferred. A $20,000 balance transferred at 5% will see you paying a $1,000 balance transfer fee. That will at least partially offset the 0% APR offer.
You could put more than you can pay off on the card
Such offers also encourage you to carry large balances. After all, since you’re not paying any interest on the balance, you may decide to keep it outstanding for the full introductory term.
If something happens that keeps you from paying off the balance at the end of the term, it will be subject to interest charges. Be sure to pay off any balance transfers within the term of the 0% APR.
How to maintain your credit
If your credit score is say, 765, there’s not a whole lot of benefit moving it up to 785. But there’ll be plenty of incentive to keep it at least as high as it is. To do that, make the following part of your regular credit habits:
Monitor your credit score regularly
Credit scores fluctuate, which is totally normal. But you’ll certainly want to investigate any significant changes. If your score falls by 20 points or more, you’ll need to know what the cause is.
The only way to do that is by monitoring your credit score on a regular basis. You don’t have to become obsessive about this, but knowing where it is on a monthly basis will alert you of any problems. You can then correct them immediately, which will prevent so much time from passing that you lose the options to do so.
Pay ALL your bills on-time
Even with a very good credit history, a single late payment could cause your credit score to drop significantly. Recent late payments have a bigger impact than older ones. You can do this by setting up automatic payments to virtually eliminate any possibility of a late payment.
FAQs on Best Credit Cards if Your FICO Score is over 750
? ? If my FICO Score is already over 750, what can I do to move over 800? Moving your credit score past 800 is certainly possible, but it may not necessarily be worth the effort.750 is good enough to get you the best deals available, and going up another 50 points won’t improve that situation that much. But a credit score of 800 or more has less to do with current practices, and more to do with past history. People in this credit score range usually have a long and deep credit history, but populated mainly by paid accounts. You’ll have to develop a history of a large number of paid accounts, make it a practice of paying off all balances each and every month and wait for time to do the rest. ? ? What’s more important, rewards or a 0% APR introductory offer? It really depends on your situation. If you have outstanding credit card balances at high interest rates, the 0% introductory offer may be more important. If you don’t, you may be more interested in the rewards. ? ? Why do you put so much emphasis on paying off your balance each month? Because if you do, you completely avoid interest expense. And if you do, the rewards will be a pure benefit. For example, if you have a card that provides 2% cash back, it will be like getting a 2% discount on everything you buy. But if you pay interest, it can either reduce or eliminate that benefit. ? ? Can a credit card issuer change or eliminate my rewards? Ya. All rewards packages are current offers. They’re designed as incentives to get you to take a card. The credit card agreement usually has language making it clear the issuer can modify the agreement. ? ? If my FICO Score is 750 and above, why do I see APRs of 20+%? Even though you have excellent credit, the credit card industry is notorious for having higher default rates than other types of lending. This is largely because credit cards are completely unsecured. If you stop making payments for any reason, the credit card issuer won’t be able to seize specific property. The high rates reflect compensation to the issuers for that risk. But it’s also a point of fact that credit card lending is very profitable. Interest rates are well above what they are for mortgages and car loans, even after subtracting for the default risk. But with your excellent credit, you should fully expect to pay rate that’s well below the maximum.Baca selengkapnya
- Best Credit Cards If Your FICO Score Is 700 To 749
- Best Credit Cards If Your FICO Score Is 650 To 699
- Best Credit Cards If Your FICO Score Is 600 To 649
- Best Credit Cards If Your FICO Score Is Below 599
Catatan: According to our research, these credit cards offer the best chance of approval for applicants with credit scores of 750, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755, 756, 757, 758, 759, 760, 761, 762, 763, 764, 765, 766, 767, 768, 769, 770, 771, 772, 778, 779, 775, 776, 777, 778, 779, 780, 781, 782, 783, 784, 785, 786, 787, 788, 789, 790, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795, 796, 797, 798, 799, 800, 801, 802, 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814, 815, 816, 817, 818, 819, 820, 821, 822, 823, 824, 825, 826, 827, 828, 829, 830, 831, 832, 833, 834, 835, 836, 837, 838, 839, 840, 841, 842, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847, 848, 849 and 850. This does not mean guaranteed approval as credit decisions take into factors other than FICO score.
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